
Last weekend, thousands of people demonstrated in the Belgian cities of Liège, Brussels, Ghent, Antwerp, Mechelen and all over the world to protest against the massacre in Gaza and demand a ceasefire now!
40,000 people took to the streets of Brussels at the Schuman Square in front of the European institutions on Sunday 22 October, in response to a call from a broad platform of organisations (CSC, FGTB, CNCD-11.11.11, Union des Progressistes Juifs de Belgique (UPJB), Association Belgo-Palestinienne, Intal, Pax Christi, etc.) and Palestinian organisations.
The government wants to be able to ban certain people from demonstrating. We're not going to let that happen to us.
On August 25, Raoul Hedebouw and Sofie Merckx launched The Big Survey in Seraing as the starting point for the election campaign. For 4 months, PTB members will be going out to meet people in markets, neighbourhoods and factories to listen to their concerns and seek their opinions on how to change society and define the priorities for the PTB's electoral programme.
When their schemes are uncovered, political profiteers usually proclaim their innocence loud and clear: "I don't know anything, I've never done anything wrong, I thought everything was going by the book, ...". Former president of the House Siegfried Bracke (N-VA, right-wing Flemish nationalist party) goes further.
Unforgettable. ManiFiesta Belgium, the Solidarity Festival, reinvented itself and delighted more than 15,000 visitors over a weekend of madness. "Together we can make waves", as they say. And it was indeed a tidal wave of solidarity that washed over Ostend.
On 17 and 18 July 2023, a Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) and the European Union (EU) will be held in Brussels. At the same time, various political and social actors are organizing a Peoples’ Summit, with activites on 17 and 18 July, a mass event open to the most diverse range of views and ideas, aimed at:
Have you saved 9 and 10 September in your diary? Excellent! Because it is the weekend of the all new... ManiFiesta! After 12 editions, the great Solidarity Festival has been completely reinvented. To find out more, we met up with Jan Franssen, the new director.
On Monday 22 May, the unions called for a demonstration in Brussels. For more than 10 weeks, Delhaize retail and supermarket staff have been taking action against the management's franchising plan. Their fight is the fight of all of us.
"There are no second-class workers. Everyone has the right to decent housing and a quality job."
The PTB reacts to the announcement of the federal government banning the TikTok application on the phones and computers of federal employees. A discriminatory decision, according to Nabil Boukili, PTB-PVDA deputy in charge of data protection issues.
The management of the Delhaize retail company announced that it would turn its 128 stores in Belgium into franchises, leading to a broadly supported strike movement.