
Peter Mertens at the Havana International Conference For World Balance
Eastern Congo is the dramatic scene of a war that has claimed 6 million lives over the past 27 years. Today, itʼs the city of Goma - one of the largest cities in the Congo - that is threatened to fall into the hands of Rwanda via the armed militia M23 and the regular Rwandan army present on Congolese soil. Hereʼs a behind-the-scenes look at an invasion that threatens millions of people. [Below find an explainer video by our MEP Marc Botenga in French]
Peter Mertens, Havana, January 31, 2025, 6th International Conference for World Balance. Below is the full text of his speech.
The situation of industry in Europe is alarming, and its future is at stake. This dossier from looks at the key issues for understanding the current crisis, and puts forward 9 principles for saving our industry.
In response to the demonstration for our industry that brought more than 10,000 people to Brussels in September, Pieter Timmermans, head of the FEB (Federation of Enterprises in Belgium), presented his vision for relaunching Belgium's industry. For him, cutting wages and eliminating the recognition of overtime is the way forward... In other words, the proposals emanating from the future Arizona government coalition (named after the U.S. State that has in its flag the five colors of the coalition’s composing parties). Harmful measures that have already proved ineffective.
Donald Trump has again been elected president of the United States. His victory is the victory of the US billionaire class who lavished hundreds of millions of dollars on his election campaign. It is also the defeat of a Democratic Party that no longer offers any prospects to young people and to the working class. Trump's election ushers in a new phase of authoritarianism in the US, and of hostility and tension around the world. But there is hope: a new generation of activists is ready to lead the resistance.
After the municipal elections on October 13, PVDA-PTB General Secretary, Peter Mertens, takes stock. The PVDA-PTB is gaining ground in all three regions of the country, with many new local representatives, many of them workers and young people. This gives us hope and prospects for the future.
Hello, ManiFiesta! Wow! Such a crowd! You should see yourselves from up here. Every year, this is a moment that gives me goose pumps. There's more than 15,000 of us at ManiFiesta! Thank you, ManiFiesta!
The Belgian government and Prime Minister Alexander De Croo have declared themselves in favour of a permanent ceasefire. This is a good thing, and shows that grassroots pressure is working. But the government can do much more to stop the massacres in Gaza. It must do more than just talk. Concrete actions must follow. Wednesday, November 29, 2023
On 3 November 2023 Peter Mertens had the privilege of giving the keynote speech at the launch of Jacobin Nederland at the Pakhuis De Zwijger in Amsterdam. Here is the full text of his speech.