The electoral victory of the PVDA-PTB in Belgium


The PVDA-PTB is one of the big winners of the June 9, 2024 elections. It becomes the fourth party in the country, with 10% of the votes at the national level. That is an increase from 566,000 to 763,000 votes, and from 12 to 15 Members of the Parliament (out of 150).


Peter Mertens

 "This significant progress shows that there is a place for authentic left-wing politics in Belgium," says general secretary Peter Mertens. 

In Europe, the PVDA-PTB doubles its number of elected officials: in addition to Marc Botenga, the left-wing party now also sends worker and trade union activist Rudi Kennes to the European Parliament. "He will be the megaphone of every social struggle that is being fought in our country and in Europe. This is very important at a time when the forces of hate and division, and of the far right, are becoming stronger in the rest of Europe."


The PVDA-PTB also breaks through in the major cities. In Brussels, the capital of Europe, it achieves 20.9% (an increase of 7.4%) and sends 16 representatives to the Brussels parliament. Notably, the PVDA-PTB secures second place in Antwerp, the second-largest city and the largest industrial center of the country, with 22.5% (an increase of 10%).


In the Flanders region, the PVDA-PTB more than doubles its representatives in the Flemish parliament, rising from 4 to 9 seats. In the Wallonia region, the PVDA consolidates its score at a high level, with 8 representatives in the Walloon Parliament.


The PVDA-PTB goes from a total of 56 parliamentary mandates in 2019 to 67 parliamentary mandates in 2024. Peter Mertens: "The fact that many workers and young people will be members of those parliaments, is an important new message our party sends out.”


"We have waged a strong campaign and, as a left-wing party, have substantially shaped the general election campaign," Mertens continues. "We managed to make the campaign revolve around the issue of a millionaire tax, among others."


This victory does not come out of the blue but is the result of a step-by-step process. "We have been building the party's growth for a long time, since our Renewal Congress in 2008. In 2012, we broke through in Antwerp and Liège. In 2014 and 2019, we achieved federal and regional gains and won our first European representative. And today, we are reaping the results of that process."


No fewer than 20,000 volunteers have made it a dynamic and enthusiastic election campaign. "I want to thank each and every one of them wholeheartedly. That fantastic team gives confidence for further building our party and for the upcoming challenges," concludes Peter Mertens.


marc en rudi


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