Interviews and articles

In April 2017, the Croatian government published a "pension reform programme" aimed at increasing the retirement age from 65 to 67 and tightening the conditions for early retirement. This programme has been approved by Parliament. Not by the workers, however, who have forced the government to back down. Background of a victory. (photo : Ivan Blazevic, responsible for the campaign in the city of Crikvenica. D.R.)
French workers are fighting against Macron's pension reform. In Belgium, we have pushed back the previous government of Charles Michel and its points-based pension. In Spain, it is the "pensionistas" who march every Monday demanding dignified pensions. In Croatia, the trade unions have obtained the return of the legal retirement age from 67 to 65... This struggle in defence of our pensions is sweeping through many European countries. Coincidence?
While the government in France faces a lot of resistance against its pension reform project, in Belgium they remember a similar project. Two years ago the government and employers tried to impose a pension with points. The workers succeeded to get them to back out. A brief look at this Belgian victory.
Members of parliament who receive more than 11,000 euros per month, a Commission that defends European multinationals… Welcome to the marvellous world of the European Union. A world discovered from inside by the PTB's member of the European Parliament Marc Botenga (GUE/NGL). Travel account.
The Workers’ Party of Belgium has been in the forefront of resisting the far-right in the country, as well as promoting internationalism and battling for a just solution to climate change. Interview Bert De Belder part 2.
Bert De Belder of the Workers’ Party of Belgium reflects on the transitions that enabled his organization to emerge as a powerful force throughout the country at a time of increasing fracturing of the polity. Interview Bert De Belder part 1.
Public transport on strike, actions in the cultural sector and at the VRT (the Flemish public broadcaster)... The austerity policy of the Flemish government led by Jan Jambon (of the right nationalist New Flemish Alliance party N-VA) and his attempt to harness the arts and culture are not accepted. And resistance is growing.
The current decline of the world economy is no secret to anyone. The economic conditions are clearly moving in that direction, to the point that a new crash is feared to occur. Even if it does not go that far, the future is anything but rosy. Red lights are blinking all over.
Speech by Peter Mertens, Chariman of the PTB-PVDA, at ManiFiesta, 22 September 2019
Contribution to the PCP Conference, Palmela, 13 September 2019 by Jos D'Haese, head of the PTB-PVDA group in the Flemish Parliament.
Shall we soon have to change street names throughout Europe such as the Karl Marx Avenue in Berlin, forbid the sale of t-shirts carrying the portrait of Che Guevara, censor anticapitalist rhetoric, ban from the education programmes aspects that would be considered too positive toward the former communist regimes? This is, in any case, what a dangerous resolution of the European Parliament is inviting us to do.
Despite an attempt to change its façade, Vlaams Belang remains a far-right racist party. It is essential to unmask the racist, anti-social and dangerous nature of this party, as well as the attempt at "normalisation" that is at work.