
The fight against the coronavirus pandemic is often compared to a war. We are indeed facing a titanic challenge. But, when going up to the front, it is better to be alert, resilient and well-rested than already exhausted. For decades, our Western health care system has been subjected to waves of budget cuts and privatization. Our economy itself was already in bad shape when it was hit hard by this unforeseen crisis. Following the 2008 crisis, we must draw genuine conclusions from this coronavirus crisis and effect radical system change. Our health, our social future and the climate are at stake.
Interview with Bert De Belder, Head, Department of International Relations of the PTB-PVDA (Workers' Party of Belgium)
Only when it is getting dark do we see that the stars are shining. That is when we realize that the ordinary people are the driving force of our country. Let us not forget that, not now, not ever. Now that we have a clear picture of who is keeping this country running, let us make sure they do not have to pay for this crisis.
Doctors from Medicine for the People bought a stock of 60,000 masks to distribute to the Medicine for the People health centres and other health centres in the country. "We could no longer tolerate the shortage of masks, " explains Sofie Merckx, general practitioner at Medicine for the People and PTB-PVDA federal MP.
The (European) emperor is naked. Failed. After years of austerity measures, the healthcare system is failing the corona virus stress test miserably. Hospitals are short of beds, staff, respirators, masks etc. In short, they are lacking the necessary resources. Applauding the healthcare workers is fantastic, but it is not enough. We now have to do everything we can to stop the epidemic and restore a health system worthy of the name. To this end, tough choices will have to be made, including at European level.
We speak to Dr. Hanne Bosselaers from Médecine pour le Peuple (MPLP) – an initiative of the Workers Party of Belgium (PTB/PVDA) – which seeks to provide accessible and quality health and medical care to the people. Médecine pour le Peuple (MPLP) operates 11 multidisciplinary medical action centers with about 200 staff members caring for around 25,000 patients.
Sofie Merckx, 45, is a general practitioner and works at the Medics for the people (Médecine pour le people, MPLP) health center in Charleroi, Belgium. From 2012 to 2019 she has been member of the city council of Charleroi for the Workers' Party of Belgium (PTB-PVDA). In 2019 she has been elected member of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives.
Thursday March 19 is the day the number of corona virus deaths in Italy surpassed China’s. It is also the first day no new infections were detected in China. Other East Asian countries, like Japan, Singapore and South Korea, have managed to contain the corona epidemic better than most countries in Western Europe. What are the reasons?
The PTB-PVDA proposes the introduction of an exceptional Corona Tax on fortunes exceeding 3 million euros in order to guarantee the income of families during the coronavirus crisis. "The coronavirus crisis is first and foremost a health crisis. At the same time, there is a social emergency, with a million people threatened with technical unemployment. It is important today that measures be taken to protect workers' salaries," explains Raoul Hedebouw, spokesperson for the PTB-PVDA.
The epidemic represents a threat that should not be underestimated. A threat to our health first, of course, and to our purchasing power as well. There can be no question of shifting the burden of the crisis onto the workers. Here is the contingency plan developed by the PTB-PVDA, with 7 concrete measures aimed at protecting our purchasing power and getting the big fortunes to contribute.
The PTB-PVDA requests that Belgium should close down companies in non-essential sectors. "Let's learn from what is happening in Italy and in the rest of the world," says PTB-PVDA Chairman Peter Mertens.
Schools and cafes are closing, but in many companies people have to continue working close to one another. It can't go on like this. Health must take precedence over profit. In this video Peter Mertens, chairman of PTB-PVDA, proposes four urgent measures to protect our health and our income. Together we will beat corona. #careforeachother